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- P A P
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- prime
- anarchist
- productions
- presents:
- '''''''''''''''''''''''
- --TAP-- excerpts.
- '''''''''''''''''''''''
- Chosen and edited by the Infomaniack.
- It reads smoothly, and should give you
- all ideas to come up with your own
- great schemes.
- ....................................
- . ***disclaimer*** .
- . These are excerpts from old TAPS .
- . and YIPLS. Nowhere here online .
- . are there entire issues. For the .
- . most part, there arent even that .
- . many complete articles. Just .
- . excerpts. .
- . So, please, TAPsters. Dont get .
- . mad at me and change my credit .
- . rating, or card sneakers to my .
- . house, or make my rent payment .
- . late, or anything like that. .
- . Prime says, hehehe. .
- ....................................
- you're paying your bill, the phone
- company will tend to let you be. We
- all know that you might have extra
- phones you want connected as freebies.
- Not Western Electric phones, of
- course. Remember, the phone company
- frowns upon hooking them up yourself,
- so we suggest you have a friend do it.
- IN NEED how do we communicate with
- our people serving time in Nam? WPAX
- has a way. They're putting rock and
- soul and rap and education tapes on
- the air through Radio Hanoi, who is
- donating free air time to broadcast
- these "subversive" sounds, now banned
- by our government stations. But WPAX
- needs your blank and recorded tapes,
- and of course, bread. Send what you
- can. If you want to record your own
- show to be aired, ask them for details
- and they'll be happy to supply them.
- MINEOLA, LI--Armed with a court
- order, detectives of the prosecutor's
- rackets bureau and telephone company
- personnel searched the home at 26
- Henhawk Road last night. They said
- they found a small box measuring 5 by
- 6 by 3.5 inches attached to a youth's
- room.
- The prosecutor did not say who had
- made the box. The telephone company
- said similar devices had been used
- elsewhere in the country before.
- The telephone company became
- suspicious when computer cards showing
- the amount of time used for
- information calls indicated that some
- calls were taking much more than the
- usual one to three minutes.
- CAUTION (from issue 2) July 1971.
- YIPL does not advocate making free
- calls. However, YIPL doesnt believe in
- paying for calls either. If caught,
- you may be charged with fraud and
- theft of services. So consider
- carefully whether you need to make
- long distance calls, and if you do,,
- consider whether of not you believe in
- f r e e s p e e c h.
- (tuning your organ; or how to blow
- 26)1=700+900
- 2=700+1100
- 3=900+1100
- 4=700+1300
- 5=900+1300
- 6=1100+1300
- 7=700+1500
- 8=900+1500
- 9=1100+1500
- 0=1300+1500
- kp=1100+1700
- st=1500+1700
- disc=2600
- (file these numbers away. they may
- work again at anytime)
- Richard M Nixon 202-456-1444
- Spiro T Agnew 265-2000
- John N Mitchell 965-2900
- Melvin R Laird 301-652-4449
- Henry Kissenger 202-337-0042
- William P Rogers301-654-7125
- Earl G Wheeler 703-527-6119
- "Until AT&T and the other
- corporations really become public
- services rather than power and profit
- goblers, we'll continue to rip them
- off every chance we get. If you want
- to discuss this further, call me up
- sometime. Because of all the agencies
- claiming to have me under
- surveillance, it's one of the fastest
- ways to speak directly to your
- government."
- --Abbie Hoffman--
- AUGUST/71) If you are a Bell System
- employee, you know well enough just
- what a skinflint company you work for.
- Write us your documented experiences
- about working for the largest most
- powerful piece of shit in the whole
- world. If you don't work for the phone
- company but know someone who does,
- tell them to write us.
- Other suggestions would be to post
- issues of YIPL inside the telephone
- building of key places where pissed-
- off workers are likely to see it.
- We want to have specific examples of
- sexism, racism, anti-semitism, pigism,
- and any other ism you can think of.
- aware that they are probably under
- observation by the FBI, the phone
- company, and their local precinct. For
- that reason, we strongly urge that you
- be wary of your telphone, (hey sorry
- about the fuckin typo) because if
- you're doing anything that's against
- the law, that's how they'll try to get
- you. They've got your number.
- When sending in phone bills, or
- income tax returns, forgetting to put
- a stamp on the envelope won't hold up
- delivery. So when you do such things,
- save 8 cents.
- HE HAD THEIR NUMBER (issue 8) A Los
- Angeles man who figured out how to tap
- himself into PacTel's computer by
- using his pushbutton fone was arrested
- Tuesday for stealing more than $1M
- worth of the company's equipment.
- Police said Jerry N Schneider, 21, had
- been ordering the computer to have
- equipment sent to a company warehouse
- where he had acquired keys, and he
- picked it up early in the morning
- hours before warehousemen arrived. The
- gambit became so successful, police
- said, that Schneider started his own
- business selling telephone equipment,
- and had hired 10 employees to help
- him.
- Dear YIPL, here's a toll free loop
- around no. in Miami. 821-9005 or 821-
- 9006 (often busy). You can get free
- local service by calling the operator
- and saying "Operator I just lost my
- dime in the fucking fone" and she'll
- either give a free call or she'll send
- you a dime in the mail. By the way,
- always call the operator after a fone
- call and ask her to refund the 45
- cents you lost before you found out
- the phone was buster (the one across
- the street) or when at home, after you
- made a cheap call, call the operator
- and say you didnt get thru but got a
- recording instead and you want credit
- for the call. Many Bell offices accept
- collect calls, as do some pig
- corporations.
- Sunday I tried to call London and
- the overseas operator got suspicious
- and put a recorder on the line so I
- hung up the phone and ran across the
- street and a pig car came within 30
- seconds. Whew! I didnt know you could
- get a pig that fast even if you called
- for one. Tell everyone about being
- careful with overseas operators! Keep
- on dialing. MF. Somewhere, USA.
- Here's a little trick I picked up
- and I'm letting you know in case there
- is a need to stop traffic in LA. The
- signal boxes on streetcorners can be
- opened by a sharp blow with ones fist
- on the side of the box even level with
- the keyhole. Now the door will swing
- open and one can control or stop or
- freeze the signal. Can be useful if
- you're in a hurry.
- Here is a tip for people who are
- going across country. Take along phone
- numbers on both coasts that wont
- answer. Whenever you stop near a pay
- phone tell the operator you want to
- call the further away of the numbers,
- and put the coins in the phone. After
- she returns the money, insist that it
- didnt come back. Give her the address
- you're going to and when you get there
- you'll have lots of refunds waiting. I
- also think it's a good idea to dial
- operatore whenever you're near a
- payphone and say you lost a dime and
- already made the call, so would they
- send you the dime. Then select a
- random name for them to send it to
- from the phone book.
- Readers who missed the Phirst
- International Phone Phreak Convention
- will be able to read about it in the
- latest issue of Ramparts Magazine, and
- in Telephony, the magazine of the
- Telephone industry. The Telephony
- article, though somewhat biased,
- plugged our address for company execs,
- advising them not to reveal identities
- when writing us. Cute, huh? Now we've
- got AT&Ts execs reading YIPL! However,
- we applaud Telphony on the rediculous
- accuracy of their name, and salute
- their new readers with finger upheld!
- If fone freaks want to get in touch
- with each other, try these Colorado
- loops. They are not free, so dont call
- from a home fone cause they'll cost
- ya.
- area code: 303
- 343-0009 & 343-0068 One of each has a
- 355-8414 & 355-8424 tone, which stops
- 758-0009 & 758-0000 if someone then
- calls the other number, and then you
- and they can talk. We suggest not
- giving out numbers because they are
- monitored, but exchange info if you
- want. Don't stay on long.
- If you are approached by the phone
- co., do not tell them a thing, but try
- to find out what they want, and after
- they ask you that first question, kick
- them out. Refuse to say a word. They
- are not police. They cannot arrest,
- subpeona, question or even ejaculate.
- Speak to a lawyer, one who you can
- relate to. Even if they come with
- police or campus officials, you dont
- have to answer any questions or let
- them in, if they dont have a warrant
- to search or arrest you, which they
- usually wont. Too many people have
- been screwed by trying to outguess or
- lie to them when they come to talk, so
- OUT. This infuriates them more than
- anything. Make sure your friends read
- this issue, and understand that when
- you deal with pigs, you're bound to
- step in it.
- -always sound middle aged, and in a
- hurry and pissed at operators, but
- willing to give her one chance.
- DONT GET BUSTED (march/april '73)
- Phone phreaking, perhaps more than any
- other pastime, requires a great deal
- of savoir faire. If you want to be
- free to phreak, you have to know how
- to watch your step. There is a
- definite art to speaking on the
- telephone. For example: it simply isnt
- cool to call up a friend and speak
- openly about illegal activities. The
- chances of a phreak's call being
- tapped are significant, and your
- friend wont appreciate it either. Wait
- for operators to click off before
- beeping. Other common sense rules
- include not giving out the names and
- numbers or those places where phone
- phreaks hang out or buy their
- equipment. Listen always for the
- operator to click off, and even then
- never assume the line is completely
- cool. Also remember short frequent
- calls are more effective than long
- calls. The fewer times you continue to
- use the same phone location the cooler
- it is also.
- Many of the phone phreaks whom we
- know have been busted have known
- common sense rules in general, but
- trusted too many people into their
- confidence. As a rule, never let too
- many people know you are a phone
- phreak; informing by others is the
- most common bust. Sometimes these
- informants turn out to be "friends".
- If you suspect someone is going to
- bust you stop phreaking for a while.
- This goes for any suspicions you
- mmight have. If you feel heat merely
- stop phreaking or find a totally new
- location.
- Remember above all that using your
- home phone for blueboxes is the
- easiest way to have Ma Bell come
- knocking at your door. Play it cool,
- and dont pay.
- Dear YIPL, While on the phone with a
- friend, I heard clicks on the line.
- Then an operator came in and told me
- that there was another party trying to
- reach me and that it was an emergency.
- I heard the clicks a long time and
- when I asked her why she was listening
- in so long she told me she was trying
- to find out if my conversation was
- important enough to break into. And
- when I asked her her name, she hung
- up. -RK, NY-
- Toll restrictors are usually used at
- motels that have direct dial out type
- phones. 9 or 8 gets an outside line.
- Try this. Dial the one digit required
- to get a dialtone (usually 8 or 9)
- then dial the first two digits of the
- exchange you're in plus the digit 1
- and you will find a new dialtone and
- the world at your fingertips. You may
- dial direct and the motel line is
- charged for the call, or you may use
- your favorite box without worry,
- assuming you have used another name at
- the register.
- This has been yet another Prime Anarchist Production.
- /// is an affiliate of Infomaniack Suste~~~~~Systems Inc. And can be gotten ahold of thru various bbs's.
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